Moon Light


I wandered the night alone
Fumbling in the darkness
My cry
Against distant mountainsides

But I wasn’t alone
For long
In the depth of the night
The sweet moon came to me
Gentle, loving eye
Beacon of light
Allowing me to see

Night after night
I followed her
Danced with her
Sang songs to her
Bathed in her glow
Not noticing
That each time we met
The dark of the night
Began to give way
In a slow
Explosion of color
Into the sunrise
Not noticing
That I could see
So much more
Around me
In me
Than even her sweet
Could ever unveil

Dawn after dawn
We met
A choir of birds
Singing along
With our devotional song
A gentle breeze
Coaxing the leaves
To move and sway
As we danced
The mornings away

Time after time
We met this way
Our sweet
Into the day

And though
My heart was full
Of light
And love
And connection
It faltered
And paled
As I witnessed
My sweet moon
Begin to fade
Into the sky

Once whole, now a sliver
Once blinding, now dimmer

And I asked why
Why, why
Must my moon
Be taken away from me
Why, why
Can she not always be
My companion, my rock
My anchor,
My hero
My buffer
From this darkness
From this worlds

But as I quivered and shook
She whispered to me
Look at this beauty
That abounds
All around
At the colors of emotion
Life and loss
Uncertainty and opportunity
That you can now see

Ask yourself
How did this come to be

It wasn’t me
It was never me
I was ever only
The light
That the Sun gave to me
And you and I
Have together
Weathered the night
Stepped into the day
Where the Sun rules the sky
And now
We can sit
Bathe in Her light
Soak up Her love

And we can ask ourselves
Why has the Sun
Blessed us so much
Why has She
Found us, called us
Out from the night
Why has She
Given us love and light
The gifts
Of humble listening
And humble sight

How can we
Take these gifts we have received
And be
Two moons
Full, bright
Reflecting the Sun’s light
Into someone else’s night

And finally I saw
The Sun in the sky
Collapsed to my knees
As I received
The warmth
Of Her love on my skin
Let it in
To touch my soft heart
Let it soak
Into my soul
Until my heart burst
And my soul exploded in song
For I had finally found
The One I had been seeking
All along