How I can I love you?
How can I trust you
To love me?
When I am hurting
And possessed by demons
That make me monstrous
When provoked?
I have seen them take you over
When invoked
By some stray word
Bubbled up from my throat
I have seen the demons
That have hold on you
I feel these demons
Holding on to me too.
How can we love one another
Covered up and costumed
By demons
And how can we not?
How can I leave you
To those demons who feed
On your
Small, tender heart?
How can I stand by while
They pull you under
And tear you apart?
How can I blame you
For your parasites
When they are so wise
When they elude detection
By your own mind?
But how can I trust you
To be there
When I open
And soften?
How can I know
That YOU will meet me
Rather than sending
Your demons to feed?
Do I let them eat me
To protect you?
Let them take me home
As so many have before
To the dark and fertile world
On the unseen distant shore
A coin for silent passage
The wide and night dark water
My King the god of Darkness
My Queen The spring torn Bride
I have surrendered many times
Can I again lay down to die?
Gather you into mine
Hold your heart
Hear your demons snarl
Bear the writhe and flail
Beg Her perfect Love
A total golden seal
Around the wounded one
This child begging love,
And eyes to see his goodness
And hands to gently touch.