I am having this internal, subconscious rumbling about enough. Part of me really feels this: for life, breathing, heart beating, this is enough. God has made us, each perfectly enough. There is no more to ask of ourselves, of others, of existence. The other part of me feels this: what of evil, of those who demonize, who despise, who throw innocents in prison, separate them from their children. What of those who hang women as witches, who shoot up schools. Is this enough? Is this okay?! How do these two views find common ground?
But, I also do think it is enough. I think Her love includes death. I think that we can never solve the paradox that you present here within our minds, because our minds will always be founded in this basic assumption: what hurts or scares or threatens me is evil in its essence. But that is the belief that death and destruction are evil. They may simply be a part of the never ending dance between coming into being and passing away.
And even in the face of monsters, we have the option to choose love: which may look like fighting for our rights, it may look like throwing up our hands, it may look like despair or anger, but underneath is lies a possibility that we can believe in Her larger wisdom even when it does not include the well being of our temporarily incarnate forms.
And Her wisdom is that balance between Life and Death that sustains the turning wheel. The wheel turns on a mechanism that our minds cannot encapsulate. It isn’t a mechanism that looks fair from the perspective of a single human life time.
Maybe even from the perspective of human consciousness, but ours is conscious of a tiny tiny part of the timeline of Life. So recent. So biased. So small.
We care about our lives with everything we have, and we give everything we can to protect them. This is good and as it should be. AND, they also don’t matter much at all.
We are not Her only children, nor the most important ones. She is the womb and the tomb. The beginning and the end. She is the Creatress and the Destroyer.
I will say it and sing Her praises while I live until I meet Her fully in my death. The dread Queen is beautiful. She is magnificent. She is dense, dark, fertile love and perfect cherishing. Whatever brings us to Her, I’m very sure, will become a blessing when we look upon Her Holy, Perfect Beauty. However harrowing the passage, arriving at Her embrace will bring us into perfect bliss and Union once again. I know this, Sister. I KNOW this for I have seen Her.