
How do I capture this moment
Of pure joy

How do I forever freeze
This moment of ecstasy

The sun and moon caressing me
With light and love
From high above
The waves crashing into the rocks
Weaving through
To wash over me
Steal my breath
With their crisp delight
Rip roars and howls from my throat
Bathe my naked body
In the immensity of life

How do I let my heart
Revel in this moment
Fully open
Fully alive
Breathing full, deep breaths
Of gratitude
Of love
Of being so held
That everything releases
And all that is
Is in this one moment

There is no tomorrow
No yesterday
Only the moon
The sun
The great, inviting sea
The rocks
And a true, soul deep
Skinny dipping
With me

Soul Cry

– August 20 –
My heart trembles
With Love
And hurt
And fear
Uncertain of the next move

Or move closer?
Dam this river
Of love
That bursts from my chest
My eyes
My tongue

It is too much
It is too deep
This is the sacred place
That I must keep
Closed off

And though I guard
Never rest
Never lose
Control has been taken from me
With big heart
And hands
And eyes
A soul calling to my own
My soul rising
Crying to be let out

When did this keep
Become a cage?
Where did the sun go
Why is it dark here?
This soul
Wants gold
And grief

This soul wants
To dance her booty
To the moon
To the sun
No matter the eyes
The judgements
The risk

This soul wants to flare with love
Let it radiate
In all directions

And this soul wants this
This opportunity to open
To pour forth
By concern for loss
To build the muscle
Of love

But her guardian knows
The pain
Of loss
Of abandonment
Of conditions
Placed on Love
She knows
The shattering
The falling
The shaky ground
The yearning
When a tendril of love
Fully extended
Is cut off
The blood of loss
Pouring everywhere

And she will not let this happen
To this precious baby
This beautiful soul
Better to keep her safe
And sound

But now this very soul
Is crying
And nothing will soothe her
She wants out
Into this cutting wind
Scorching sun
Blistering heat
Withering cold

She wants out
Of her womb
I have built
She wants the gold
The love
The pain
The hurt

And she is crazy
But she is right
She is not afraid
I am afraid for both of us

Where is safety
Outside these walls?
Safety is wherever God is
She has built us a temple
Golden and strong
And she will rebuild it
Over and over again
Nothing can penetrate these walls

Nothing can come inside
Unless we let it
We are safe here
Left alone to rest
And be with


My lover is a liar
He can neither
Choose me
Nor forgive me

Or am I the liar
For wanting to see
A capacity in him
That cannot be?

Am I the liar
For believing
That his worshipful words
Meant devotion
In action
Must surely occur?

Because every man
Has come to me
Devotion dripping from his tongue
And failed to BE

I can’t feel chosen
Through him.
He can’t meet this need.

I pray instead
Mother, Queen,
Will you meet this need
For me?

I am hungry
With nowhere to feed
I am learning
That I must concede
My wanting
To Your Grace
And wait
For You to arrive

While my lovership dies
Like an unwatered plant
Or an orphaned child.

I am learning to wait
Where the wild
Wants to slay
To let blood
To decimate.

I trust you enough, my Queen
To die slowly
And to feel myself die.

Taco Tuesday

My lover is a liar
I lie alone and weep.

He talks about the man
He wants to be
But he acts like
the man he is

And I don’t know if I like that man.

I try to soften my heart
Remember to see
That I also talk about the woman
I want to be
Though I am the woman I am
And sometimes
I don’t like me.

Aliens: demon and otherwise

They hope that you won’t ask
Natural Law dictates,
They must reveal their intentions
And also their true name

Ask three times
“What is your true name?”
“What do you want from me?
Is it your intention to feed from my pain?
Do you care for my well being?”

Ask them.
I believe they must answer.

When they lean in to feed,
Tell them:
I am your equal
Not your prey.
I am also divine.
I am also free.

Show me what secrets you have
That are mine to know.

Ask them three times
I believe they must show.

Enough )•(

I am searching
Under rocks
In the sand
Below the water

But somehow
Enough always evades me

Is enough
Something that is given
Or crafted purposefully
Built in the sand
By choosing my stories

What is enough
In a world of grief?
A shiny gem
To yearn for
While wandering
These darkened

What is acceptance
When we live with grief?
Obviously, I did not want it this way
Why did my enough have to be
Taken away?

When I look at you
With fire in my eyes
After you hurt me
Can I also say
You are enough for me?

When I face my loss
Day after day
Can I honestly say
The world this way
Is enough for me?

What is enough
In a world of hope?
If I believe in a better tomorrow
What is lacking in the enough
Of today?

I don’t understand enough
But in a world where I have such a
Tiny say
I pray
To God
That I can find
In you
In me
In how this life
Has turned out
To be

Enough (•)

I am through
Wanting any
From you

I am done
Trying to shun
My shadow
Into submission
Into Hiding
Into Dying

You and me
We are enough
And though we may disagree
Think differently
We are whole
Creatures of the light
And the dark
At once
And frightened
Of what life will bring
And yet thrusting
A hand out to catch our fall
To steer away
The very suffering that offers
To free our souls

This life
This pain
This death
I will face again and again
This is enough
God has given me enough
To weather the storm
To fight when I must
To seek refuge when I must

I will rest into
What is
Accept openly
What stirs in me
The parts of you
You chose to share with me

For I am enough
You are enough
God is enough
And this moment is enough
For all eternity


I worship the God of Love
And yet, Love does not rule here
No, this is the land of fear
Of dominance
Of separation
In the name of success
Protecting our borders

And yet how could I expect otherwise
Of a country of invaders
Running from their old problems
With guns
And knives
Used to take native lives
And call the land their own

These are my people
This is my tribe
Oppressing women
Spurning the poor
Hating the mentally ill

So many categories
So many ways
People can become
To please
The god of fear

Of course there is fear
It is fear we have created
Fear we worship
Fear that motivates us

Fear runs this ship
And it is running us
Into the ground

On enough

I am having this internal, subconscious rumbling about enough. Part of me really feels this: for life, breathing, heart beating, this is enough. God has made us, each perfectly enough. There is no more to ask of ourselves, of others, of existence. The other part of me feels this: what of evil, of those who demonize, who despise, who throw innocents in prison, separate them from their children. What of those who hang women as witches, who shoot up schools. Is this enough? Is this okay?! How do these two views find common ground?

But, I also do think it is enough. I think Her love includes death. I think that we can never solve the paradox that you present here within our minds, because our minds will always be founded in this basic assumption: what hurts or scares or threatens me is evil in its essence. But that is the belief that death and destruction are evil. They may simply be a part of the never ending dance between coming into being and passing away.

And even in the face of monsters, we have the option to choose love: which may look like fighting for our rights, it may look like throwing up our hands, it may look like despair or anger, but underneath is lies a possibility that we can believe in Her larger wisdom even when it does not include the well being of our temporarily incarnate forms.

And Her wisdom is that balance between Life and Death that sustains the turning wheel. The wheel turns on a mechanism that our minds cannot encapsulate. It isn’t a mechanism that looks fair from the perspective of a single human life time.

Maybe even from the perspective of human consciousness, but ours is conscious of a tiny tiny part of the timeline of Life. So recent. So biased. So small.

We care about our lives with everything we have, and we give everything we can to protect them. This is good and as it should be. AND, they also don’t matter much at all.

We are not Her only children, nor the most important ones. She is the womb and the tomb. The beginning and the end. She is the Creatress and the Destroyer.

I will say it and sing Her praises while I live until I meet Her fully in my death. The dread Queen is beautiful. She is magnificent. She is dense, dark, fertile love and perfect cherishing. Whatever brings us to Her, I’m very sure, will become a blessing when we look upon Her Holy, Perfect Beauty. However harrowing the passage, arriving at Her embrace will bring us into perfect bliss and Union once again. I know this, Sister. I KNOW this for I have seen Her.


A woman
A sister
A bearer of breasts
Approached me
With passive
To tell me
That my breasts
Her god and
Her children
Her husband
To sexual sin.

I argued with her
And her husband
For an hour
About the sacred
Nature and power
In my animal body

Rebutted me
My obligation
To accept social norms
Regardless of fairness
Or reason.

They disdained me
For having no children
And explained
With contempt
That I could not
The great love
That compelled them
Protect these innocent
From the sight
Of my offensive
Female body
Lying passive
And harmless
Drinking in sun.

They promised me
(Quite gleefully)
Lest I find
To their male god
Who murdered his son
In order
To love me
In spite of
My inherently
Female form.

They promised me
Prayers to their
Own demon god
And I promised them
Prayers to mine
To my Mother
Who loves us
The way we are
Who inheres to our
And infuses each
Animal form
Who makes all beings
On Earth and
In Heaven.

They promised me Hell
And I wept for their
Small hateful hearts
And their minds
Locked in thrall
To a god
Who hates women
Their own five young
And Natural Law.

And I wept for
The pain
That stood like a wall
Between both our parties:

My surety of their error
Their surety of mine;
The demon I see in their god
The demon they see in mine;
The nothing that changed
In our minds from the
Words we exchanged;
The ease with which I hated
These grotesque
Petty humans
While their joy anticipated
My eventual decline
To the Hell they have created
For any thing or person
who threatens
Their way of mind.

I wept for our human
Multiplied by billions
I wept for our easy hatred
Our insoluble divisions
I wept from my own deep sickness
Of the mean and all-too-many
I wept for my own not knowing
If our infectious human kind
Will wake up soon, together
Or destroy ourselves
In fighting
To defend our wounded minds.