I release you, Lover
At my own peril
For I don’t know
If another man
Will wrap his arms around me
Or smile his love into me
And take me for his own.
I rend the tether
That binds me to you
The cord through which
I receive your love
And also your sickness.
Because I cannot take
Your pain into my body
I am tired and full up
Of pain from so many men
Who I wished to serve
Who I longed to help
Who I tried to heal
Who plowed their sickness
Into me
And then scorned me
When I became ill.
Her wisdom whispers
Through the High Priestess
“You are a vessel for love:
My love through you to him
His love from god to you
Your small human love
For his hurt human heart
And his small human love
For yours.”
“You needn’t hold his pain
You needn’t keep him safe
You, my child, were not made
To be broken.
You were made to be loved.”
So I let Him go
I rest down and in
I wait for Her to fill me up
I beg for Her to heal this one
Whom I love
But cannot save
No matter how great
Is my will.
She murmurs to me
Songs of love
And runs Her
Holy fingers through
My long hair.
She kisses my head
While I weep
And She promises me
That I am enough.