Keep talking, my friend
Let my soul bathe in these words
Let me feel this sweet poetry
Call the four winds to me
Let me feel them rush in
Let them take my breath away
As they meet
And dance
And swirl
Deep in my chest
Let this tornado build and grow
Pulling up the emotion that is here
Kept in the ground
For appearances
For consideration
Of others
Of self
No, no longer able to hide
These emotions must rise
In answer to the siren call
Riding the wind
Turning into shrapnel
That pierces my heart
Makes rubble of my bones
Cleanses my soul
That must be let free
But first let me pause
And revel in this ecstasy
Of this storm
Whipped up in my chest
Of the purity of emotion
Of the fractured crystallinity of life
And death
Of nothing is ours
To hold
But these moments
This moment
Of feeling
Of being alive
Of sitting in communion
With my tribe
Of feeling the power
In this tornado
Of these emotions
Of noticing
Of letting your words
Wash over me
Wash into me
And then, dear friend,
When your words have found their end
When the storm has exhausted itself
Let me feel the peace
The beauty
Of letting it go
Of dancing
With the sun on the horizon
Of picking up the pieces of this heart
These bones
And building them up again
Stronger than before